June 14, 2024
by CaseActive Team

Roles are different functions assumed by a person within a case. You can create roles and assign people the roles from the admin dashboard. By default, only three roles are created:

  • Client
  • Default 
  • Staff

Create Roles

  • To create roles, go to the app admin panel where the case is, then click on settings.
  • Then go to advanced settings
  • Afterwards, click on roles next to the Modules section.
  • Now click on the “+New” Button.

  • Fill in the name of the role tick the permissions you want to assign to that role, and then click “Create”

Assign Roles

  • To assign users to a case, go to the admin panel of the app in which the case is, click on the drop-down button next to the case, and then click on assign users.
  • From here, click on the +Add Button. 

  • Fill in the data of the user you want to assign, select their role, and then click save.

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