June 16, 2024
by CaseActive Team

Integrations in a Software as a Service (SaaS) product refer to connecting the SaaS application with other software systems to enable them to work together seamlessly. These integrations are crucial because they allow businesses to streamline their workflows, improve data accuracy, and enhance productivity by ensuring that different applications used within the organization can share data and functionalities.

Within CaseActive, integrations are divided into three categories:


This allows you to import and modify data in bulk from external software into CaseActive, e.g., users, cases, etc.

Here is how to use the Imports tool:

  • Visit the imports section under the integration button on the main menu.
  • Click on the “+New” Button.
  • Provide a Name, then select the data type you want to import. Download the sample document, fill it out according to its instructions, reupload it to CaseActive by pressing the “+” button under Choose a file, and hit save.


Webhooks send automated messages from CaseActive to another app when something happens. They enable real-time data sharing and updates, allowing SaaS products to instantly push data to other systems.

Here is how to use Webhooks:

  • Visit the Webhooks section within the Integrations section of the targeted app’s Admin dashboard and click the “+New” button.
  • Provide the URL you want to send a webhook to, a description of the webhook, select events that should trigger this webhook, select active, and then save the webhook.
  • You will be provided with a private key. Copy that key and save it under the webhook’s name, as you will need it to decrypt the webhook you receive. Remember that this private key will only be visible after a webhook is created and never again.


Keys allow API integrations. An API, or Application Programming Interface, is a set of rules and protocols for building and interacting with software applications. It defines the methods and data formats that applications can use to communicate with each other, enabling them to exchange information and perform various operations. 

Here is how to utilize Keys:

  • Visit the keys section within the Integrations section of the Admin dashboard of the targeted app.
  • Click on the “+New” button.
  • Provide a description of what this API would be used for. In the Source CIDR section, put the IP address you want to access this API. You can also use to access the API from any IP address. Select the domain according to the API used. Select App if it is for a function on an App or Manage if the API is to manage the App or something within it, then click “Save.”
  •  You will be provided with a private key. Copy that key and keep it saved under the API’s name, as you will need it to access the API. This private key will only be visible after an API is created and never again.
  • Once you get the key, visit Manage API or App API and then visit the section according to the API you created to access by adding the key in Authorization and Host in the Host section. 

Note: Access to Manage API or App API shall be provided to you by CaseActive.

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