CaseActive チームによる

After an admin adds a user to a case: * if the user is new to caseactive, the user must complete a workflow to create an account and accept invitation to access the case. * if user has an existing caseactive acoount, the user must accept invitation to access the case.

This article describes the steps a user must complete to create their account.

Getting started

There are two ways a user can be added to a caseactive app

  • By admin: If the admin creates a user via the platform UI or Import tool, the admin must send the user a link to account.caseactive.com to proceed to login.
  • By user: If the user created an account using a signup link, the user will be automatically be redirected to account.caseactive.com to proceed to login.

Logging in

When the user logs in to their CaseActive account for the first time, the platform prompts the user to:

  • open their email account and then copy/paste the six-digit security code
  • complete an account profile

After the user clicks UPDATE, the Apps page displays. The page shows the name of the app (company name), the user type (role), status, and an INVITATION button.

To access the app, the user must accept the invitation. The user should:

  1. Click the INVITATION button.
  2. Review the permissions.
  3. Click the Notifications tab to review and edit (optional) the terms.

When the user approves, the platform displays an APP button on the user page. This button gives the user access to assigned cases.

To edit user settings, the user clicks the ellipsis.

The user can: * remove app access * modify notification settings

After the user completes the workflow, the user name appears on the admin’s Users list. The list shows all users, logged in or not.




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