March 28, 2024
by CaseActive Team

1.1 Login to your CaseActive account.

1.2 From the Landing dashboard, click the Admin button next to the App where you want to invite the client.

1.3 Now click on the Cases Button in the main menu.

1.4 Here, you will find all the cases of this particular App. Now, hover your cursor over the drop-down arrow in front of the case you want to invite the client to.

1.5 Now click on Assign Users.

1.6 From here, click on the +Add Button. 

1.7 Now, fill in the information of the user you want to assign to the case and select their role. Note that by default, there are only three active roles:

  • Clients
  • Default
  • Staff

The admin can create more roles for the app as well. Click here to know how.

1.8 Click Email user about the assignment afterward to send an email to the client as well.

1.9 Click the Save button, and once your client accepts the invitation, the name will be shown in the user’s section of the app.

You have successfully sent an invite to the client.

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