March 28, 2024
by CaseActive Team

This article shows admins how to create users by sending a public signup link.

  1. Click the Send them a signup link at the bottom of the “Add user” dialog box.

2. Make sure the Allow Signup field is set to On. (required) When enabled, CaseActive generates a unique link.

3. Review the options below and click the icon to copy the link. You can place the link on your website or send the link to one or more people via email or any communication channel.

Creating a Case:

Optionally, you can automatically create a case for each new user and assign a user role.

  1. Click the Auto Create Case field and select On. The Case User Role fields display.
  2. Click the Case User Role and select an option. (see below)

Case user roles

There are two case user roles.

  • clients
  • staff

Share the link with one or more people. Each person clicks the link and completes the workflow to activate their CaseActive account. Once the user completes the signup workflow, CaseActive adds the user to the Users list.

Next steps

Case Active sends the user an email notification with the signup link. The user clicks the link and completes the workflow for new signups.

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