CaseActive チームによる

This article shows admins how to create a case with the platform’s user interface. Admins can also add users to a new case and update existing cases.

Creating a case

  1. Log in to the admin account.
  2. Locate an app on the Apps page and click the ADMIN button.
  3. On the Admin panel, click the Cases menu tab.
  4. Click the NEW button. A new window displays.

Fill in the required fields and click SAVE.

Adding users

Optionally, admins can add users to the case on this page. Scroll down and click the ASSIGN USERS button.

In the Assign User modal, fill in the fields. Check the box to send the user an email notification. (optional)

Modifying a case

To update a small number of cases, use the Edit tool and make changes to each individual case.

  • Note To update a large number of cases in one sitting, consider using the Import tool
  1. Log in to the admin account.
  2. Locate an app on the Apps page and click the ADMIN button.
  3. On the Admin panel, click the Cases menu tab.
  4. Locate a case and click Edit.
  5. Make changes and click SAVE.




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